Various Countries
Call for nominations – 2023 UNESCO King Hamad Bin Isa Al-Khalifa
Prize for the Use of Information and Communication Technologies in Education
Dear Madam/Sir,
UNESCO is pleased to inform you that nominations are open for the 2023 edition of the UNESCO King Hamad Bin Isa Al-Khalifa Prize for the Use of Information and Communication Technologies in Education.
The theme of this new edition is “Digital learning for greening education”, rewarding projects that use digital technology to deliver innovative and inclusive climate education to equip learners with the knowledge, values and skills to tackle climate disruption and promote sustainable development.
Two projects will be chosen, and each laureate will receive US $25,000 and international recognition during an Award Ceremony to be held at UNESCO Headquarters.
We invite NGOs in official partnership with UNESCO to circulate this call for nominations, as well as to submit candidates for the Prize, thus contributing to a greater diversity of projects. Each organization can submit up to three candidates.
- The nomination process takes place via an online platform.
- Applicants can request access to the online platform here:
- The application, in English or French and together with a nomination letter issued by an NGO in official partnership with UNESCO, should be submitted via the online platform by 5 February 2024 (midnight, Paris time).
For more information on eligibility criteria, submission, and nomination process, please see attached the 2023 Guidelines.
The Secretariat of the Prize (e-mail:; tel.: +33 (0)1 45 68 23 42) remains at your disposal for any clarification.
This message is to share with you that the deadline for the call for nominations of the 2023 edition of the UNESCO Prize for Girls’ and Women’s Education has been extended until Sunday 4 June 2023.
The UNESCO Prize for Girls’ and Women’s Education honours outstanding and innovative contributions made by individuals, institutions, and organizations to advance girls’ and women’s education. It is the first UNESCO Prize of this nature and is unique in showcasing successful projects that improve and promote the educational prospects of girls and women and in turn, the quality of their lives.
Funded by the Government of the People’s Republic of China, the Prize is conferred annually to two laureates and consists of an award of US $50,000 each to help further their work.
Please find attached the Prize’s Explanatory Note and User Guide for Member States along with the Circular Letter addressed to all Ministers regarding the official launch of the call for nominations, for your information and reference.
Please note that all Member States can nominate up to three individuals or organizations working to advance education for girls and women.
Please do not hesitate to contact the Prize Secretariat by e-mail ( or by telephone (+33 1 45 68 10 08) if you have any questions.


For general inquiries:
1-877-422-8678 (toll-free in North America)
+1-410-647-5002 (outside of North America, answered by Next Wave Group)
Click the names below to email:
Mini Festival Coordinator: Jessica Abejar (
Registrar: Wendy Morrell (
Participant Support: Jennifer Payne ( Rosalind Reid (
Panel Coordinators: Marylee Hardenbergh ( Elaine Sister (
Scholarship Coordinator: Betsy O’Neill (
Concert Coordinator: Marilyn Green (
Tech Contacts: Jessica Abejar (


- Day 1 (Inauguration): 27th November 2021 – Time – 9:00-11:00amCET, 1:30-3:30pm IST, 7:00-9:00pm AEDT
- Day 2 (Focus – Europe & Asia): 4th December 2021 – Time– 9:00-11:00am CET, 1:30-3:30pm IST, 7:00-9:00pm AEDT
- Day 3 (Focus – South America): 11th December 2021: 8:00-10:00pmCST (10th Dec), 9:00-11:00pm EST (10th Dec.), 7:30-10:30amIST, 1:00-3:00pm AEDT
- Day 4 (Focus – Asia): 18th December 2021 – Time – 9:00-11:00amCET, 1:30-3:30pm IST, 7:00-9:00pm AEDT
Organised by:
Asian Media and Culture’s Network, Deakin University, Australia
Manipal Academy of Higher Education, India
In association with:
Indian Council of Cultural Relations (ICCR)
Association Nationale Cultures Du Monde (ANCM), France

Dear folklore friends,
The Folklore Association “Igraorec” – Skopje invites you to take part on the International Folk Festivals 2021:
INTERNATIONAL FESTIVALS that will take place in Ohrid, MACEDONIA:
- 08.07.2021 to 12.07.2021
- 14.08.2021 to 18.08.2021
- 18.08.2021 to 22.08.2021
INTERNATIONAL FESTIVALS that will take place in Skopje, MACEDONIA:
- 22.08.2021 to 26.08.2021
INTERNATIONAL FESTIVALS that will take place in Paralia, GREECE:
- 13.07.2021 to 18.07.2021 (14.07.2021 to 18.07.2021)
- 01.09.2021 to 06.09.2021 (02.09.2021 to 06.09.2021)
INTERNATIONAL FESTIVALS that will take place in Budva, MONTENEGRO:
- 14.06.2021 to 18.06.2021 (13.06.2021 to 18.06.2021)
- 26.08.2021 to 30.08.2021 (26.08.2021 to 31.08.2021)
- 08.09.2021 to 12.09.2021 (08.09.2021 to 13.09.2021)
The applications should be filled and send by email:
Please find attached a Festival Invitation with detailed information.
Folklore Association “Igraorec” exist since 2011, but its member are many years in folklore, as dancers, choreographers and musicians. Main activity of the Association is organizing folklore festivals, seminars and other cultural manifestations. Since founding the Association “Igraorec” organized a lot of successful festivals in Ohrid, Paralia and Budva.
For any question please contact me.
Best regards,
Daniela Davchevska Petreska,
Folklore Project Coordinator
mob. +389 075 427 856

Σαβ 6/3, 20.30 Καλλιόπη Βαρουδάκη, Καστελλόριζο
Tue 9/3, 20.30 Dr Sotiris Bekakos, Dance vocabulary
Σαβ 13/3, 20.30 Δρ Χρήστος Κεχαγιάς-Επίκ. Καθηγ. Άννα Λάζου,
Ο θεραπευτικός ‘λόγος’ του αρχαίου χορού
Tue 16/3, 20.30 Prof. Martha Beck, Dance & Philosophy 1
Sat 20/3, 20.30 Αντώνης Κοροπούλης, Ἀνθεστήρια-Gregory Scott, Dance & Philosophy 2
Tue 23/3, 20.30 Dr Elisa Anzelotti, Etruscan Dances
Sat 27/3, 20.30 Prof. Xenophon Moussas, Dance & Cosmos– Prof. Martha Beck, Dance & the Hellenic Female Divinities
Tue 30/3, 20.30 Dr Gregory Scott, Dance & Philosophy3
4/4 (Sunday 3pm) Katsura Kan, Japanese Noh Theatre
Τρι 6/4, 20.30 Αντώνης Κοροπούλης, Τα ἐν Ἄστει Διονύσια
Sat 10/4, 20.30 Καθηγ. Λίλιαν Καραλή: Γιάννης Γαβριηλίδης MSc – επίκ. καθηγ. Στέλιος Ψαρουδάκης – κ. Ανδρέας Ντρέκης, Άνθρωπος & μουσική
11/4 (Sunday 3pm) Katsura Kan, Japanese Butoh Dance
Τρι 13/4, 20.30 κ. Άρτεμις Σκουμπουρδή, O χορός τον 19ο αιώνα – κ. Γεωργία Αργυροπούλου, Ο χορός στη σύγχρονη όπερα
Sat 17/4, 20.30 Dr. Aikaterini Lefka- Dr. Marianna Koshkaryan, Plato’s Philosophy & Ancient Greek Poetry
Τρι 20/4, 20.30 Δρ Ευαγγελία Σπυράκου, Βυζαντινός χορός & ψαλτική τέχνη
Σαβ 24/4, 20.30 Ass. Prof. Anna Lazou, Dance in Bibliography – Θανάσης Λερούνης, Οι χοροί στους Καλασσά.
Πληροφορίες & εγγραφές: lazou2011.ancientorchesis@
+306974769100 WhatsApp+

A dance for dancers during social isolation. Please read:


IV. “Dance and Music on the Alps” International Music Festival
Ausztria – Abtenau (Salzburg régió)
25-28 June 2021
- “St Ivan’s Days” at the Lake Balaton
Hungary – Keszthely
25 – 28 June 2021
- Adriatic Dance and Music Festival
Croatia – Krk, Senj
2-5 July 2021
“Wonder of Tuscany” International Art Festival in Montecatini
Italy – Montecatini
9-12 July 2021
- Prague „Art Festival”
Czech Republic – Prague
16 -19 July 2021
- „Summer in Kvarner” Music Festival
Croatia – Njivice, Crikvenica
29 July – 2 August 2021
VII. „Summer in Adria” Music Festival
Croatia – Crikvenica, Novi Vinodolski
6-9 August 2021
VIII. Summer Arts Festival
Poland – Krakow
13-16 August 2021
„Black Sea” Dance and Music Festival
Bulgaria – Aheloy, Pomorie
3-6 September 2021
- Jesolo International Dance and Music Festival
Italy – Lido di Jesolo
10-13 September 2021
- „Welcoming the Alps” Festival
Austria – Abtenau (Salzburg régió)
10-13 September 2021
VIII. Dance and Music Festival
Croatia – Zaton, Nin
11-14 September 2021
- „Istria” Music Festival
Croatia – Porec
16-19 September 2021
phone: +36 30 422 7891
facebook: https://www.

Dear folklore friends,
Together we are overcoming a period when global pandemic, Covid 19, changed our goals and efforts. We are safe and we are monitoring the situation and according to the current situation with the corona virus, this is how the further activities for 2021 will unfold. We want to be optimistic and to believe that our program of 2021 can be realized together with you.
Therefore we send the list of festivals for 2021, the invitation letters and program for the festivals:
- INTERNATIONAL FESTIVALS 2021 that will take place in Ohrid, MACEDONIA:
9th International Folk Festival “TRPE CHEREPOVSKI” – 09.06.2021 to 13.06.2021
9th International Folk Festival “OHRID PEARL” – 08.07.2021 to 12.07.2021
14th International Folk Festival “OHRID SUN” – 14.08.2021 to 18.08.2021 (1st Term)
14th International Folk Festival “OHRID SUN” – 18.08.2021 to 22.08.2021 (2nd Term)
- “PARALIA DANCING 2021“– Paralia, GREECE:
International Folk Festival “PARALIA DANCING” – 13.07.2021 to 18.07.2021 (14.07.2021 to 18.07.2021)
International Folk Festival “PARALIA DANCING” – 01.09.2021 to 06.09.2021 (02.09.2021 to 06.09.2021)
International Folk Festival “BUDVA DANCING 06-2021” – 14.06.2021 to 18.06.2021 (13.06.2021 to 18.06.2021)
International Folk Festival “BUDVA DANCING 08-2021” – 26.08.2021 to 30.08.2021 (26.08.2021 to 31.08.2021)
International Folk Festival “BUDVA DANCING 09-2021” – 08.09.2021 to 12.09.2021 (08.09.2021 to 13.09.2021)
The applications should be filled and send by email:
The most important thing for us is the safety of all participants in our festivals and therefore all activities will be in accordance with the current situation.
I wish you good health.
Best regards,
Daniela Davchevska Petreska,
Folklore Project Coordinator
mob. +389 075 427 856

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Message available in English, Français, Español, Русский язык, العربية, 汉语.
UNESCO COVID-10 Response: #LearningNeverStops Campaign
Dear partners,
As part of UNESCO’s response to COVID-19 education disruption (#LearningNeverStops), we asked students, teachers and parents from the UNESCO Associated Schools Network to share their stories on how they are coping with school closures and continuing to learn at home.
We received many inspiring contributions from around the world. You can watch their videos and written messages on our campaign page, on our global social media channels and YouTube playlist.
We’re now inviting students, teachers and parents everywhere to share their testimonies directly on their own social media accounts by recording and posting their short videos, tagging @unesco and using the hashtag #LearningNeverStops. More tips and instructions are available here.
Check out this short teaser and watch some of the testimonies below:
Noelle, student, Hong Kong SAR China (Facebook – Twitter)
Ndapewa, teacher & parent, Namibia (Twitter)
Jean Marc, teacher, France (Twitter)
Marwa, high school student, Lebanon (Facebook – Twitter)
Agustina, student, Argentina (Facebook – Twitter)
Many thanks for your support in promoting UNESCO’s call to amplify voices from around the world on how learning never stops – even during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Best wishes,
Objet : #ContinuitePedagogique – L’UNESCO souhaite entendre les élèves, les enseignants et les parents
Chers partenaires,
Dans le cadre de la réponse de l’UNESCO à la fermeture des établissements scolaires et réponses mises en œuvre face au COVID-19 (#ContinuitePedagogique), nous avons demandé aux élèves, enseignants et parents du Réseau des écoles associées de l’UNESCO de partager leurs témoignages sur la façon dont ils font face aux fermetures d’écoles et continuent d’apprendre à domicile.
Nous avons reçu de nombreuses contributions inspirantes du monde entier. Vous pouvez regarder leurs vidéos et messages écrits sur notre page de campagne, sur nos réseaux sociaux et sur notre playlist YouTube.
Nous invitons maintenant les étudiants, les enseignants et les parents du monde entier à partager leurs témoignages directement sur leurs propres comptes de réseaux sociaux en enregistrant et en publiant leurs courtes vidéos, en marquant @unesco_fr et en utilisant le hashtag #ContinuitePedagogique. Pour davantage de conseils et d’instructions cliquez ici.
Découvrez ce teaser, ainsi que les témoignages ci-dessous :
Noelle, étudiante, Hong Kong RAS Chine
Ndapewa, parent & enseignante, Namibie
Jean Marc, enseignant, France
Rajaa, étudiante, Liban
Agustina, étudiante, Argentine
Merci de votre soutien dans la promotion de l’appel de l’UNESCO pour amplifier les voix du monde entier sur la façon dont l’apprentissage ne s’arrête jamais – même pendant la pandémie due au COVID-19.
Subject: #LaEducaciónContinúa – UNESCO quiere escuchar a estudiantes, docentes y padres
Estimados socios,
Como parte de la respuesta de la UNESCO a la interrupción de la educación debido al COVID-19 (#LaEducaciónContinúa), pedimos a los estudiantes, docentes y padres de la Red de Escuelas Asociadas de la UNESCO (redPEA) que compartieran sus historias sobre cómo están haciendo frente a los cierres de las escuelas y cómo continúan aprendiendo en casa.
Hemos recibido muchas contribuciones inspiradoras de todas partes del mundo. Pueden ver sus videos y mensajes en nuestra página de la campaña, en nuestros canales globales de redes sociales y en la lista de reproducción de YouTube.
Estamos invitando a estudiantes, docentes y padres de todos los países a compartir sus testimonios directamente en sus propias cuentas de redes sociales, grabando y publicando sus videos cortos, mencionando a la @unesco_es y usando la etiqueta #LaEducaciónContinúa. Pueden encontrar más información y consejos aquí.
Eche un vistazo a este pequeño video de presentación (disponible en breve en los seis idiomas oficiales de la ONU) y disfrute con algunos de los testimonios:
Noelle, estudiante, Hong Kong SAR China
Ndapewa, profesora y madre, Namibia
Agustina, estudiante, Argentina
Muchas gracias por su apoyo en la promoción de la llamada de la UNESCO para amplificar las voces de todo el mundo sobre cómo el aprendizaje nunca se detiene, incluso durante una pandemia como la del COVID-19.
Un saludo afectuoso,
Subject: #УЧËБА НИКОГДА НЕ ОСТАНАВЛИВАЕТСЯ# – ЮНЕСКО хочет услышать школьников, учителей и родителей

Inclusion in the time of COVID-19:
International webinar addressing racism, discrimination and exclusion
Fourth edition: Thursday 30 April 2020 from 16:00 to 17:00 CEST
The UNESCO webinar aims to exchange experiences and expertise on the measures to address the COVID-19 crisis at the global and local levels. The focus will be on the social dimensions of “leaving no one behind” and on actions taken to fight against the growing incidents of racism and discrimination.
The webinar is targeting national/local policymakers and stakeholders, international and regional organizations, academics, students and NGOs. Speakers will include global experts and city authorities from UNESCO’s International Coalition of Inclusive and Sustainable Cities – ICCAR. The presentations will consist of actions of solidarity and assistance to vulnerable populations conducted by the cities, and items for discussion on how ICCAR and other city networks and actors could act as a crucial platform during this difficult time.
- Tendayi Achiume (UN Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance)
- Gyonggu Shin (Senior Advisor for Human Rights & International Affairs, City of Gwangju, Republic of Korea)
- Jack Jedwab (President and CEO, Association of Canadian Studies, Canada)
Language of the event: English
L’inclusion aux temps du COVID-19 :
Webinaire international contre le racisme, la discrimination et l’exclusion
Quatrième édition : Jeudi 30 avril 2020 de 16h00 à 17h30 UTC+2
Ce webinaire de l’UNESCO vise à échanger des expériences et compétences sur les mesures à prendre pour faire face à la crise du COVID-19 aux niveaux mondial et local. L’accent sera mis sur les dimensions sociales de l’objectif des Nations Unies de « ne laisser personne pour compte » et sur les mesures qui ont été prises pour lutter contre les incidents croissants de racisme et de discrimination.
Le webinaire s’adresse aux responsables politiques et parties prenantes aux niveaux national/local, aux organisations internationales et régionales, aux universitaires, aux étudiant.e.s et aux ONG. Parmi les intervenant.e.s figurent des expert.e.s mondiaux et des autorités municipales de la Coalition internationale des villes inclusives et durables – ICCAR de l’UNESCO. Les présentations porteront sur les actions de solidarité et d’assistance aux populations vulnérables menées par les villes et discuteront de la manière dont l’ICCAR et d’autres réseaux et acteurs des villes pourraient agir en tant que plate-forme cruciale pendant cette période difficile.
- Tendayi Achiume (Rapporteuse Spéciale des Nations Unies sur les formes contemporaines de racisme, de discrimination raciale, de xénophobie et d’intolérance qui y est associée)
- Gyonggu Shin (Conseiller principal pour les droits humains et les affaires internationales, Ville de Gwangju, République de Corée)
- Jack Jedwab (Président-directeur général, Association d’études canadiennes, Canada)
Langue de l’événement : anglais
Courriel :

NOW Online – learn the art of Belly Dancing
– access it from anywhere in the world
Thank you!
Wiggle & Sparkles
Have Fun, Feel Fabulous

Call Everybody,
The NEXT 2020 Dance World Championships Season is Ready!
Barcelona Dance Award, in Spain from 9 to 13 April 2020 during Easter Spring Time.
Dance Grand Prix, in Italy from 22 to 26 June 2020 during Summer Time.
all web info on:
The Dance World Championship for Dance Schools, Companies and Groups from all over.
Events for Dance, Ballet, Contemporary, Modern, Hip Hop and each other kind of dance art,
Dance Team Showcases, Workshop Opportunities & International Dance Competitions.
To find out how to qualify, mail the office, so Directors should act right away for next 2020Year!
Unfortunately, in this year, space has been limited and many groups have failed to register, and we hope do not have this kind of problems, for your dance group, next editions!
Info-Program and Fee:
Please feel free to forward to anyone who might be interested and to share our proposals
with your networks and interested colleagues!
If you fell you have received this e-mail by error and wish to be remo ved from future mailings, simply write rem. in the subject line and send to <>

I & Myself : Anilkumar & Mofassal to perform Twin Dance Production in Asian countries

Предлагаем Вашему вниманию подборку мероприятий, в которых смогут принять участие танцевальные коллективы и отдельные участники осенью 2019г.!
– Интернет-Конкурс “Play”
Место проведения: Интернет
Даты проведения: 21.09.19 – 21.01.20
-Международный Фестиваль-Конкурс “Catalunya Break Autumn”
Место проведения: г. Калелла, Испания
Даты проведения: 27.10.19 – 30.10.19
-Международный Фестиваль-Конкурс “Italian Break Autumn”
Место проведения: г. Римини, Италия
Даты проведения: 30.10.19 – 02.11.19
– Международный Фестиваль-Конкурс “Итальянские вечера в России”
Место проведения: г. Тула, Россия
Даты проведения: 27.11.19 – 01.12.19
– Международный Фестиваль-Конкурс “Международные дни искусств в России”
Место проведения: г. Саратов, Россия
Даты проведения: 04.12.19 – 08.12.19
+39 3248444548 – WhatSap & Viber
#festivalcontest #конкурс #международный #премии #хореография #танец #италия
Следи за нами в соц. сетях:

– Dimanche 7 juillet : DEMETER, le Réveil de la Terre
à 19, Théâtre du NYMPHEE à Vaison-La-Romaine, France. (affiche ci-jointe)
Réservation :
Synopsis « Demeter et le Réveil de la Terre »
Ce spectacle retrace dans une quête intemporelle, le mythe de Demeter, de sa fille Perséphone et les mystères de la vie associés aux cycles des saisons. Il nous interpelle sur notre lien à la nature et comment nous harmoniser aux cycles de la Terre-Mère.
Inspiré du Théâtre Antique Grec et du Théâtre Nô, dans la lignée d’Isadora Duncan, il inscrit entre les danseuses et le public un rapport charnel, historique et symbolique où se mêlent harmonieusement la danse, la poésie et la musique.
Création chorégraphique Fabienne Courmont, PLEIADES Cie.
Site :
– 15 septembre 2019 : DEMETER the awaking of the EARTH (affiche ci-jointe)
The Festival ILIOUPOLI goes to theatre present the dance company Les Pleiades with Fabienne Courmont “ Demeter the awakening of the earth “
15 of September at 21.00
at the Public Theatre of Ilioupoli Dimitris Kinitis
Address : Gardiki e Smolika, Ilioupoli
Prebookings at
Book shop Peri Biblio, El venizelou 138 – tel.2109946717
Site :
– 16 septembre : Emilia Dance Festival presents :
à 20h, DORA STRATOU Dance theater.
Booking :
– Du 31 juillet au 4 août : Stage d’été à la Sainte Baume ( VAR / France ) .
Thème :
Gardien(ne) de la Terre Voyage au cœur de la Terre sacrée de la Ste Baume
Danse de l ’Être©avec Fabienne Courmont
FORÊT de Ste BAUME (83)
Participation: 380€
(-30 ans et personnes en difficulté financière nous consulter)
Horaires : du 31 Juillet (10:00) au 4 Août (14:00)
Hébergement : Chambre d’hôtes «La Coutronne» 10 304 route de la Sainte Baume 13 390 Auriol
26€ la nuitée + repas
Contact – Inscription : Viviane-Marie 06 60 56 69 31
Je vous remercie encore et je reste à votre disposition, s’il vous manque un élément.
The CID Panorama of Dance Events
a program of the
International Dance Council – Conseil International de la Danse
CID, UNESCO, 1 rue Miollis, FR-75732 Paris 15, France
tel. +33 1 4568 4953