United Kingdom
Province / District
Dance in Nature with Jackie and Barbara
Dance courses
Dr. Nicky Keay
BA, MA (Cantab), MB, BChir, MRCP
Sports and Dance Endocrinologist
Honorary Fellow Dept Sport and Exercise Sciences, Durham University
CMO Forth Edge
Member British Association Sport and Exercise Medicine,
National Institute of Dance Medicine and Science and International Association of Dance Medicine and Science,
07985 715740
RAD Conference Call for Contributions
The Faculty of Education at the Royal Academy of Dance is pleased to share with you the Call for Contributions for our conference in London 2020.
Mapping Dance and Dance Teaching: Past(s), Present and Future(s) is an international conference which will take place in London 4-5 September 2020. We will be joined by dance professionals, practitioners, educators, researchers, dance teachers, historians, musicologists and scholars to discuss, debate and contemplate past, present and future potentialities of dance and dance teaching.
Please find attached our Call for Contributions which can also be found here on our website.
We would be grateful if you could circulate this with your networks and department as we particularly welcome submissions from early career researchers, students who are close to completing a post graduate qualification and others involved in aspects of dance and dance education.
Do feel free to get in contact if you have any questions. conference2020@rad.org.uk
Best wishes,
Rachel Mcglinchey
Lead International Operations Officer
Faculty of Education
Tel: 020 7326 8014
Email: RMcglinchey@rad.org.uk
Website: www.royalacademyofdance.org
Northern Ireland counties
Province / District
Upon receipt of the deposit a contract will follow.
Please send your initial payment without delay. If you have further questions email us at any time. Our email is: danceformspro@aol.com
Dance-Forms Productions
Phone: (502) 265-7041
E-Mail: danceformspro@aol.com
Web Sites: www.dance-
Province / District
The CID Panorama of Dance Events
a program of the
International Dance Council – Conseil International de la Danse
CID, UNESCO, 1 rue Miollis, FR-75732 Paris 15, France
tel. +33 1 4568 4953 www.CID-world.org