Czech Republic

Province / District



XI. Prague Art Festival
Czech Republic – Prague
15-18 July 2022
Festival conditions and application form:


A R T  N E W S


Success is never final.
Failure is never fatal.
It is the courage to continue that counts.

– Sir Winston Churchill

Dear readers,

those words in outset remind us, that through all the losses and unexpected expenses – we have to continue. Bravely stand up, if fallen and carry on. Let’s remind ourselves all our previous wishes, to motivate ourselves! All bad periods are going to come to an end. And then we will see each other again and share all the joy together!

Turkish dance
Tanzschule Natali, leader Natalia Chudjakova
final performance gala concert AVE BOHEMIA spring 2020

In the beginning of March 2020, before the exceptional crisis was officially declared in the Czech Republic, the XVII. International Competition & Festival AVE BOHEMIA was held in Prague, accommodating participants from seven different countries.

From Morocco we welcomed schools Ecole Internationale de Musique et de Danse (leader Melanie Derive), Temps’Danse (vedoucí Aurélie Le Floch) and Classica Ecole des Arts (vedoucí Hennioui Inna) from Fes. 

Dramatic performance by choreographer Melanie Derive “Ecodance” forced the spectators to think about global problems. Students of E.I.M.D. successfully and emotionally expressed not only the fear of human consumerism which is destroying our environment, but also hope, that the humankind will manage to change, before it will taste the sorrow fruits of its actions (or not actions, actually). But this happy ending will happen only if we really start to consider our economic relationships within the system, that is established globally, if we will keep ourselves informed on the matter and force our politics to act accordingly to the scientifically proved prognosis. 

Little students of the academy of classical dance from Fes brought us incredible joy. Their pedagogue, Julia Kazakova, is really putting huge effort to rise love and good taste in her young wards.

We should also mention young and beautiful artists from ensemble Les Etoiles de L’Atlas from the cultural organization F.O.L. (Federation des oeuvres laiques de Casablanca). Members of the ensemble under leadership of Innesa Selianova were visiting Prague and the festival for seconds time already! In the competition they were participating in four nominations and thanks to high points they achieved from the jury through there were a lot of rivals, they won high prices!

From German city of Halle came new participants from the ballet studio Pointé (leader Andriy Holubovskyy, pedagogue Hanna Denyssenko) and, no matter that they were on such an event for the very first time, soloists managed to perform their complicated variations with grace.

From other German city, Deggendorf, we would welcome on stage after a little pause again ballet school of Karolin Muckenthaler. It is always so pleasing to see someone developing and growing. Those, we remember as kids, were transformed into ripening artists. Congratulations Karolin, great job!

We also gladly welcomed again students from the Dance lab “ReLizzz”, (leader Natalia Denisova), who came from Chelyabinsk. They are bold and emotional dancers, who made us all dance too, with their striking and rhythmic performances. 

Sand art centre from Kharkov, Ukraine, visited for the second time and took us again into a fairy tale land that is created out of music and sand drawing streamed real time on a big screen.

Stars of this year spring festival AVE BOHEMIA was Tanzschule Natali from Stuttgart. Leader Natalia Chudjakova showed us unbelievably responsible approach to the preparation for the festival. The school presented more the dozen competition numbers in many categories. Students were enrolled in very carefully picked repertoire, which was definitely also remarkable. Confident, elegant and emotional – that is something to be said about work of the Tanzschule Natali and something, that convinced the jury.

We would also like to mention high level of technic and emotional maturity of the Czech participants, who are keeping the prestigious competition. Congratulations – you were the best! Baby Dance Praha (leder Vanda Vajshajplová), Balet HKH (leader Vlaďka Hrbková), Ballet school of Olga Kyndlová, Studio EWA a ZUŠ Zbraslav (leader Eva Zápotocká) – students of those schools were simply charming. Pedagogues and leaders – Bravo! Great job!

Last, but not least to mention is one more thing. There was a long pause in granting Grand prix in AVE BOHEMIA. But this year the organizers decided to award the Grand prix to Anna Šimůnková, student from the Ballet school of Olga Kyndlová! The highest points in solo nomination in classical dance and her dedication and performance were very convincing. We are happy for Anna and we are looking forward to see her on stage of the greatest theaters of the world!

Заочный международный фестиваль-конкурс

Конкус состоится 15 мая 2020
Место проведения – Прага
Прием заявок – до 10 мая 2020
Итоги конкурса будут опубликованы 25 мая 2020
Карантин – совсем не повод оказываться от участия в Международном фестивале-конкурсе! Тем более именно сейчас, когда современные технологии и всемирная паутина стирают границы; дарят нам возможность путешествовать, заглядывая в самые дальние уголки мира, в то же время находясь в безопасности родных стен; знакомиться и общаться, делится впечатлениями, находясь на расстоянии в тысячи километров, и зажигать звездочки новых талантов в ярком и дружном созвездии Европейского фестивального движения Звездный Путь (STRARS WAY ®).
Давайте проведем так неожиданно освободившееся время весело с пользой!
Организационный комитет фестивального движения Stars Way приглашает Вас принять участие в Международном фестивале-конкурсе STARS WAY 2020 который состоится заочно (on-line). Прием заявок – до 10.5.2020.
Все что необходимо для участия в конкурсе – отправить заполненную заявку, видеофайл с записью конкурсного выступления на адрес оргкомитета, не позже 10 мая, а также оплатить фестивальный взнос.
15 мая жюри проведет закрытое и тщательно запротоколированное голосование и 25 мая результаты будут обнародованы, а письма с дипломами разлетятся в поисках своих адресатов по всем уголкам мира!
Среди множества неоспоримых преимуществ заочного участия нельзя не упомянуть следующее:
  • Все участники награждаются именными дипломами стандартного образца (без пометки о заочной форме участия);
  • В составе жюри исключительно профессионалы высшей категории, так же как и при очном участии;
  • Доступный фестивальный взнос;
  • Отсутствие оплаты за дорогу и проживание;
  • Независимость от погодных условий и состояния здоровья.
Специальные награды и приятные бонусы:
* Каждый участник заочного конкурса, вне зависимости от занятого места, получает в подарок сертификат на 100% скидку на фестивальный взнос, при очном участии в любом из Европейских фестивалей фестивального проекта STARS WAY с открытой датой.
* Самым талантливым участникам предлагается помощь и содействие при поступлении в хореографическую либо музыкальную консерваторию Чехии. 
Tel, Viber/WhatsApp: +420777042755

European festivals project STARS WAY
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The CID Panorama of Dance Events
a program of the 
International Dance Council – Conseil International de la Danse
CID, UNESCO,  1 rue Miollis,  FR-75732 Paris 15,  France
tel. +33 1 4568 4953